OpenMethods Marketing, Sales, & Partner Resources

Brand Resources

A set of resources used for OpenMethods Brand, Company, and Product Value.

OpenMethods Whitepapers

Downloadable product sheets & information

OpenMethods Videos & Demos

A collection of OpenMethods related videos

OpenMethods Integrated Solutions

An overview of supported integrations & solutions.

OpenMethods Case Studies

Client highlights and case studies in detail.

OpenMethods Brand Assets

2023 brand style guide, fonts, and logo assests

Zendesk Resources

A set of resources used for the integration and partnership between OpenMethods and Zendesk.

Solution Brief

A high-level overview of the OpenMethods & Zendesk Solution.

Videos & Demos

Product and Integration related videos and demonstrations.

Integration Key Features

The key features and value of the OpenMethods & Zendesk integration.

Zendesk Marketplae App

OpenMethods Experience Cloud Marketplace Application Listing.

Oracle Resources

Videos & Demos

Demonstrations of OpenMethods & Oracle product use.

Integration Key Features

The key features and value of the OpenMethods & Oracle integration.

OMNI Detials

A summary of the OpenMethods & Oracle OMNI Channel solution.

Cloud Marketplace

The Oracel Cloud Marketing Place application listing.

A set of resources used for the integration and partnership between OpenMethods and Oracle.

Data Processing Agreement


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