How a Fortune 50 National Retailer transformed their contact center strategy with unified communications, reporting, and analytics

Fortune 50 National Retailer | US Based | Physical and eCommerce | Six Year OpenMethods Client


Siloed communication channels with no holistic reporting, forecasting, or analytics.


Single point of management for voice, email, and chat channels.


  • AHT reduced by 120 seconds
  • CSAT increased by 1%
  • NPS increased by 3 points
  • FCR and SDR increased by 5.5%

Like most modern brands, our retail titan client invested significant CX resources towards implementing a multichannel interaction strategy that included voice, chat, and email. The voice channel was serviced by NICE InContact, and also provided its own forecasting and reporting tools specific to the voice channel. Chat and emails were handled by Oracle, and forecasting was usually done out of an Excel spreadsheet.

The division between channel management meant there was no way to integrate and connect these channels. This created a headache when trying to produce consistent and accurate forecasting, dataflows, and dashboards.

A Seat at the Table

OpenMethods already had a place in the retailer’s tech stack with OpenMethods Experience Cloud’s PopFlow servicing agent interactions. The existing relationship with OpenMethods’ products, services, and teams allowed us to introduce Harmony as a solution to the disparate data problem. 

The Sr. Director of Contact Center Strategy said, “We knew OpenMethods were problem-solvers and a culture fit from a partner perspective,” and this existing relationship helped generate buy-in and confidence from the stakeholder teams to go forward with the solution.

The Harmony feature set of OpenMethods Experience Cloud allowed the retailer to keep their existing communication channels in place, and use OpenMethods as the conduit that connected the channels for reporting and insights. 

With the solution defined, the teams began the work on rolling out the implementation. And, if you’ve ever been a part of an enterprise level software rollout, you know to expect hiccups, bumps in the road, and contingencies. Whenever the implementation project plan experienced a deviation, OpenMethods was brought to the table along with other technology stakeholders to collaborate on next steps and process improvements. The real secret sauce for a successful outcome was not just a superior product – it was also the dedication to helping be a part of the solution. The Sr. Director of Contact Center Strategy echoed this with, “Strong partnership is not just about taking in requirements, but they need to understand the reality of what they’re solving for. They need to put themselves in the user’s shoes. When you do that, and when internal advocates are leveraged to give feedback in testing and design. When we do this, the implementation is much smoother.“

Ease of reporting, ease of mind

Even though the customer’s path to the contact center didn’t change, what the retailer could do with the data did. They were able to reconstruct their forecasting model to react in real-time to changes in demand and volume. OpenMethods was a player on a pretty impressive tech team, and was able to contribute to some remarkable year-to-date improvement metrics which included:

  • AHT reduced by 120 seconds
  • CSAT increased by 1%
  • NPS increased by 3 points
  • FCR and SDR increased by 5.5%

And don’t get us wrong – those numbers are awesome. But what’s even more awesome is that OpenMethods is that comprehensive insight into these metrics was not possible before OpenMethods entered the picture.

Final thoughts

The success story of our retail heavyweight client is one of our favorites because it highlights the real secret sauce behind every OpenMethods solution: the partnership. The winning combination of OpenMethods Experience Cloud, our Success and Implementation teams, and an enthusiastic client leads to knockout results every single time.

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