Integrate Contact Center Platforms Directly Into Oracle & Zendesk With OpenConnect

OpenConnect brings context from your Contact Center, CCaaS, UCaaS, Voice & Telephony platforms directly into Oracle & Zendesk – a powerful combination that empowers your agents to know who your customers are before they even say, 👋 “Hello.” 

A few common platforms we work with, many more flexible integrations easily achieved!

What is OpenConnect?

Make The Connection, And Never Leave The CRM For The Context!

OpenConnect offers flexible integration with voice, telephony, ACD, or contact center platforms, enabling you to bring context and information directly into the CRM from multiple sources, with no connection limits!


Utilize as many as necessary to suit your business needs and ensure your Oracle & Zendesk agents have all the relevant information at their fingertips while handling customer interactions.

Why Is OpenConnect Critical To Oracle & Zendesk?

OpenConnect addresses several common challenges within Oracle & Zendesk environments, primarily the inefficiencies caused by operating multiple disparate systems.

By seamlessly connecting the CRM with contact center routing platforms and telephony voice channels, OpenConnect enhances workflow efficiency in several ways.


Connect one or multiple platforms according to your workflow requirements into Oracle and Zendesk!

Centralize The Focus On The CRM

  • Platform agnostic – connect contact center platforms with multiple instances and locations.  
  • Provide context, intent, segmentation, and external data directly into the CRM.
  • Ensure the CRM user has all the information relevant to their interaction instantly in their time of need.

Secured, Validated, Documented

  • Built from the ground up with security in mind.
  • ISO 27001 Certified & Patent Pending.
  • Validated integrations and contact center experience.

Real-Time Testing & Simulations

  • Test workflows based on simulated events.
  • Incorporate telephony context into the CRM (Oracle and Zendesk).
  • Test and simulate experiences for user and outsourcer environments.

Fast & Scalable Integrations

  • Don’t let proprietary integrations lock you in! 
  • Flexibility to switch platforms & outsourcers.
  • Fast to deploy without complexity

Never Leave The CRM For The Context!

OpenConnect provides context directly into the CRM. These examples showcase Zendesk but can also be used within Oracle.

Get Started & OpenConnect!

Let’s Build The Future Together, At The Speed Of Your Ideas.

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